Blockchain & Crypto

Innovation beginnt dort, wo andere sagen „das geht nicht“, "das haben wir noch nie so gemacht", "das haben wir schon immer (anders) gemacht". Lösungen sind nicht nur zu finden, sondern auch zu erarbeiten und umzusetzen. Und es muss klar sein und werden, ob es sich rechnet, wie Herausforderungen bahnbrechend (nicht nur halbherzig mit ein paar Zusatzfeatures) realisiert werden können und ob der Markt sich für die Ideen interessiert. Ist das alles klar, dann tut der Schritt auf den Markt auch nicht mehr ganz so weh. Ein bisschen ziepen wird es trotzdem.


Innovation begins where others say "that's not possible", "we've never done it like that before", "we've always done it (differently)". Solutions must not only be found, but also developed and implemented. And it must be and become clear whether it pays off, how challenges can be realized in a groundbreaking way (not just half-heartedly with a few additional features) and whether the market is interested in the ideas. If all this is clear, then the step onto the market won't hurt quite so much. But it will still be a bit of a drag.

  • We are crypto MAXIMALISTS, not only investors and traders.
  • We are at home in the so-called Crypto Valley of Switzerland, in Zug/Switzerland.
  • We are not just crypto investors and traders, we are crypto MAXIMALISTS. We are absolutely fascinated by new technologies, AI, our RoboFOX, crypto, blockchain, technology companies, etc.
  • When it comes to crypto, we have decided to focus primarily on crypto research, in addition to our own crypto trading.
  • Over 8 "fundamental" research models:
    In the area of research, we now have over 8 "fundamental" research models (regression, power law, ABV, twintrend, altcoin season, etc), as well as our quantitative models including RoboFOX.
  • Our quantitative models and our RoboFOX:
    As mentioned, we use various models, so-called fundamental models, but also quantitative models, Elliott Wave, Fibonacci and of course our RoboFOX (SwissAnalyse Invest & FoxLink GmbH).
  • We are also active in the area of NFTs, tokens and blockchain.

Blockchain & Crypto by FoxLink GmbH

RoboFOX by SwissAnalyse Invest & FoxLink GmbH